Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Reunited and it feels so good

We had the opportunity to attend Taylor's Basic Training Graduation last weekend. It was truly incredible.

Sawyer was a peach for about 2% of the time. The rest of the time, he was pretty cranky, mad, and tired. I guess I would be too, especially if I had someone I could cry to and comfort me when I threw a tantrum after waiting in an airport for 9 hours. It was unexpectedly hard, but definitely worth seeing Taylor in his Navy blues. After two months of little to no contact from dad, we were all back together, once again.

Then we had to part ways. But another trip to see him is right around the corner. This time, I will plan things differently. Sawyer ALMOST convinced me to never leave the house again, but I've had a change of heart and decided it's worth having a screaming baby as long as it means being altogether.

So so so proud of Taylor. So happy to be able to talk to him everyday!

Sawyer is doing so-so with eating. He'd rather throw the food than put his mouth on it. I've recently discovered he likes to "fake gag" when I'm watching him eat. But as soon as I leave and he's distracted, he'll voluntarily put food in his mouth, no problem. Little stinker. His mouth is filling up with teeth--lucky for me, his molars were cutting through while traveling. I've never been bit so much in my life (from putting Orajel on his gums). I predict Sawyer will be walking on his own within the month, but he is still tentative with the idea, so we'll see. He likes to sing Popcorn Popping with me. He can do the popcorn motions and the finger shake. So cute. Also, as of late, he likes to throw his binkie as far as his little arm can throw it. Then he says, innocently, "uh oh!" Yeah, that's cute once, but over and over in a busy airport is not so cute. This is my indication that it's time to ween. Binkies are only for emergencies, and nothing more.

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