Monday, May 21, 2012

Chicago town

I have always heard a lot of great things about Chicago, but never thought I'd be going there any time in the present or near future. As soon as I learned when Taylor was graduating, we bought tickets right away. I let my mother-in-law do all the sight-seeing planning, as I was strictly on "baby duty," and my sister-in-law was strictly on "navigation" and "deep dish pizza" duty. In a span of 72 ish hours, we covered a lot of ground. Impressive, considering we were total tourists and had a baby in a crappy collapsible stroller to tow around.  Chicago is amazing. However, we had a lot of adjusting to do; we were in a new climate (wet and freezing in May), were in a different time-zone (we were sleep-deprived), we saw millions of people traveling in droves (while we had to weave in and out of groups) and were away from home (that's always hard on Sawyer, no matter what the situation). So, given that premise of our well-intentioned, carefully planned trip, I'm happy to say we hit every attraction on our list and went to bed exhausted each night, ready to wake up at 5:00 am to catch a plane or a shuttle or to skip morning traffic. As I write this I realized I did, indeed, take a two week vacation from this three-day vacation. Worth every second, though.

Right before saying our goodbyes


Millennium Park

"meh" he says

It was the Polish Constitution Celebration that day. However, I don't think these guys were celebrating for that reason. Very cool, though.

At the Art Institute. Loved it. Sawyer didn't care for it. This is us taking a little breather.

The famous Cloud.

We got brave and got pretty close.

this pretty much sums up the entire trip.

Navy Pier. Major tourist attraction. Busier than Disneyland, almost.

And finally, Geno's East. Authentic Chicago-style deep dish pizza. Amaze-zing!

oh, yeah. Had to wait 45 mins for pizza to bake. More fun times corralling Mr. S. Desperate enough to let him play with the fork. Yes, the fork. I was exhausted and hungry. Don't judge. 

Fun times, yummmy food, and decent bathrooms. Can't complain.

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