Monday, December 12, 2011

Orchiopexy Time!

We came down to Primary's last Monday and the procedure went really well. I was glad we were able to see the lights at Temple Square Sunday evening. We even knew the perfect parking place (condo complex parking). I will admit I got a little teary-eyed when we drove up State street and saw all the Christmas lights and the Capitol shining brightly. Ahhh. Memories. 

We got to the hospital by 6:30 am and got to visit with all the nurses in the NICU. Thanks to those who sent us on our way feeling confident about his procedure. Even though it was minor, it was comforting to see familiar faces and have that assurance that all will be okay.

After the procedure, which took around 2 hours, Dr. Cartwright greeted us in the famous parent waiting room that we got to know and love. He told us it went really well. His right testicle, which was higher than the left, was down far enough that he was able to pull it down with enough slack. I went back to the recovery  room and was greeted by Sawyer crawling up the nurse's shoulder, crying with a raspy voice, while she was trying to untangle his cords. It was kind of funny. She handed him to me and I rocked him to sleep. We walked to a different bed space and I was able to sit in a rocking chair and hold him. He was pretty loopy, but slightly squirmy, so after Taylor held him for a while, we just put him back in his bed and took a quick lunch break. He took the Pedialyte okay, so we dressed him and unhooked him from his cords and took off. Easy peasy.

The very next day, he was back to his normal self. We can't have him use toys that he straddles (loves) (jumper and walker saucer thingy) so we are obligated to walk him up and down the hall, to every corner of the house, until he's satisfied.

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