Saturday, October 8, 2011

goo goo ga ga

Not much to write about lately. Oh, except the fact that Sawyer grew some teeth finally!!! His two bottom teeth finally surfaced and are the cutest things in the world. I gave him a Ritz cracker and he went all Mr. Peepers on it.

He is doing better at taking food from a spoon. It's less of a struggle for me, but his patience wears thin after ten minutes. Our goal this week is to try sit-down spoon feeds at 9:00, 12:00, 3:00, and 6:00 (we kept this schedule from the NICU and follow it religiously) instead of the normal 12 and 3 spoon feeds.

I just had a random memory pop into my head and I started laughing out loud. One day in the NICU at Sawyer's bedside, while he was asleep, I was doing my usual internet browsing on my laptop. I was killing time on Google Images and finding pictures for my other blog. I do not remember what I was searching for specifically, but on my screen were a bunch of pictures of contortionists (look it up if you dare). It was pretty awkward slash amusing, and I kept scrolling to find a picture that wasn't totally offensive. Out of nowhere, Sue Stern walks from behind me to assess Sawyer, but since he was sleeping she didn't bother him. Normally, I close the laptop when they did rounds, but this was more of a oh-crap-Sue-Stern-totally-saw-what-I-was-looking-at-slam-the-laptop-shut-NOW- type of situations, because after all, she is Sue Stern and I was pretty much looking at bums as though no one would notice. My face went numb and I think I mumbled a two-syllable response of some sort when she said she'd come back when he was awake. I felt so stupid. But at the end of the day, I know Becky would appreciate this story, so I feel like exposing myself and sharing this experience on my baby blog is completely acceptable.

Now back to my innocent and pure baby Sawyer.

No crawling around yet...But tummy time is improving significantly. He definitely prefers to be upright whenever possible, but we find ways to distract him to his belly so that it's not a scary thing.

He is up to 132 mL every 3 hrs. His pediatrician pushes for 24 cal, but he usually gets 22-23 cal because he wretches when the formula is thick. He is gaining weight beautifully..not too chunky and not underweight...not that I wouldn't love a chunky baby, but his weight is distributed in his long limbs and I can tell he's satisfied with 22-23 cal.

We watched Annie on Netflix the other day. He was mesmerized.


  1. I DO appreciate that story! LOL seems like I remember when that happened. Sue Stern. Tee hee. Wouldn't even try to explain myself there. :) I googled contortionist for fun. Wow. All I have to say about that. Please take a video next time Sawyer eats a cracker. I need a good laugh! Such a cutie. Hope you are planning to come trick-or-treating at the hospital on Halloween. I'll be there that day and would love to see you guys!!

  2. I don't believe I know Sue Stern, but the story still made me smile :) BTW, I love checking your blog!! Your Sawyer is STILL as cute as ever!!

  3. I have been cracking up at the thought of Sue Stern and contortionists. So funny. Sawyer is so adorable!!
